Friday, February 17, 2017

Short Story

            Long ago there was a kingdom by the name Latervia. Latervia is a quiet kingdom that believes the sun is a poison. The King told everyone that exposure to the could kill a person in seconds. Long ago the King had a dome built around the kingdom to protect all the people from the sun.  Like in every kingdom, there is a royal family. In this royal family, there is King Rowan, Princess Carmen, and Lord Alex.
 King Rowan Blakesley is an aged man standing at 5 feet 11 inches. The King has light brown skin, brown eyes, thin black hair with grey streaks because of aging. He dresses like a very classy middle-aged man, always wearing fancy suit everywhere to look professional. King Rowan is a very mature and noble man; he has served his kingdom as his father’s military general and fought in many wars before he became King. Lord Alex Swan is Princess Carmen’s fiancĂ©e. He is 22 years old, 6 feet tall with olive toned skin, eyes green with envy, and fawn colored hair. Alex was promised to Carmen when they were just kids. When Carmen and Alex were younger they were very good friends, and they even liked each other at one point, then one day something clicked in Alex and he became more abusive and power hungry. When Alex would get angry or frustrated at something or someone he would take it out on Carmen, and Alex threatened Carmen to never tell anyone what he does to her.
Lastly, Princess Carmen Evangeline Josefina Blakesley is 18 years old with medium brown skin with freckles across the tops of her cheeks ad nose just like her late mother, brown eyes, thick, long, dark brown hair. She is a petite young woman with a model status body and she is one of the most beautiful women in her kingdom. Her entire life was spent in her kingdom and mostly her castle. She has made one friend, which also happens to be her maid, Margaret. Carmen is a very strong girl because she has put up with Alex’s abuse for so long. Carmen had been slapped, punched, and pushed around by Alex; she practically went through hell when she was around him. One day Carmen was sitting in her room of the bed looking at all the bruises on her arm she got from Alex hitting her.     Carmen wanted to do something because she got so sick and tired of Alex’s abuse. She was getting ready to go tell her father, King Rowan, but then something got in her way.
“Where are you going my love?” asked Alex.
            Carmen hates it when Alex would call her that, because the only thing that he loves is the fact that he will be King and have all this power when they are forced to be married. Hearing him call her that made her disgusted and her skin crawl.
“Nowhere Alex!” Carmen shouted at Alex.
“I know you’re lying to me. So tell me Carmen, where are you really going?” Alex asked while grabbing and twisting Carmen’s wrist.
“I’m not going anywhere anymore! Please let go of my wrists Alex, you’re hurting me!” Carmen pleads while crying and begging Alex.
“You should’ve thought about that before you tried to lie to me.” Alex said harshly while letting go of Carmen’s wrist.
            After Alex let go of Carmen and left, she fell on the bed in her room and cried while holding her hurt arm to her chest. As Carmen was crying, she began to get tired, then fell asleep until the next morning. That morning Carmen’s maid Margaret came in Carmen’s room to wake her up.
“Princess… Princess Carmen? The King has requested your presence and would like you to wake up.”
“Go tell father that I do not want to get up and do anything today. I just want to stay locked up in my room today.” Carmen said is hoarse tone while waking up.
“My apologies Princess but I cannot allow that.”
“And why not Margaret?” Carmen asked while questioning why her maid was not listening to her orders.
“Today is harvest day and you will have to leave in a couple hours to go to the parade.”
“Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”
“Princess I tried to but-“
“I need to start getting ready now. Margaret come help me pick out an acceptable outfit.”
“I’m coming Your Highness.”
            Margaret picked out a knee length, white chiffon dress with silver mid heels to wear; and put Carmen’s hair into a fishtail braid. By the time the Princess was done getting dressed it was time for her to leave for the parade. The King and she traveled to the town of the kingdom foe the parade. Just as Carmen remembered as a little girl, the kingdom was very beautiful. There were old Victorian buildings and wonderful, outstanding cherry blossom trees that she used to walk through with her mother and father as a little girl. The kingdom of Latervia has a couple thousand people living in it. Something new that Carmen realized while riding through the town was how she could see starving children and adults throughout the places. After a while, Carmen wanted to go take a walk in the town.
“Father, can I go take a walk throughout the town?”
“Yes you may. But you must take a royal guard with you.”
“Father, I can take care of myself. I do not need one of them to follow me around everywhere I go.”
“If you want to go you will listen to my orders.” King Rowan said in a commanding tone.
“Yes father,” Carmen agreed while taking along a royal guard.
            Carmen walks around the town talking to different people about why they are starving. As Carmen talks with the people, she learns that those people have not gotten proper meals in a while. After a while, a young man a year or two older than she is approaches Carmen and her guard.
“Good evening Princess Carmen. Would you like to have a drink to celebrate the harvest day?” Asked the young man while bowing down to the Princess.
“Don’t worry Princess you can go, the drinks are from the castle.” The guard approved while walking a small distance away from the princess and the man, not paying attention to what was about to happen.
            Princess Carmen takes a glass, and sips down the drink. After a couple minutes of finishing the drink, the Princess begins to feel tired and woozy. Just as she is about to pass out she asked the man something.
“Why do I feel so tired and weak.” Asked the Princes trying to stay awake and keep her balance.
“It must be the mixture I put in it to make you fall asleep.”
“Why are you doing this?”
“Please forgive me Your Majesty, but I am just simply following orders.”
             As the young man was done speaking, the Princess passed out and was caught by the young man. While the Princess was waking from her slumber, she realized that she was tied up and put in the back of a carriage that was on the move. While sitting there she started to hear voice coming from the front of the carriage.
“What should we do with her?” said one man whose voice she could not recognize.
“I don’t know Lucca told us to bring her back safe without any harm done to her.” Said a voice she recognized, which she realized was the voice of the man who poisoned her.
            The Princess began wondering these entire different things. Who is Lucca? Where was she being taken? Why her? Then all of the sudden while she was in mid thought a blinding light started to shine through a ripped patch in the carriage. So then she decided to make her presence known that, she was awake.
“Hello! Can someone help me there in a giant blinding light shining on me and burning my skin?” The Princess shouted.kk
“My bad Your Majesty don’t worry the light won’t hurt you, it’s just the Sun.” Said the man whose voce she knew.
“The Sun!” Princess said shocked and scared at the same time.